


Harden and Zubac have been great man. Paul George has to be better dude



Everyone not named Harden and Zu have to be better. Norm made nice buckets, which is great, but he also committed the dumbest fouls ever.

213 was abysmal. Every other role player may as well have not even played. Coffey, Mann, Plumlee, and Russ were absolute nothings.


Yall notice Kawhi went downhill ever since leaving Toronto. There’s always something every year since he been in LA. Injuries and just bad luck especially in the playoffs


Kwahi looks like he’s playing at 50% health. Not sure what’s good with PG, he on the court but no impact.


Usual playoffs for them


yea he played like trash but he was out most of the 2Q cuz of foul trouble never got into a groove. Most of the team looked like they gave up early and didn’t even want to be there smh


Everyone just wanna be Klay & Dlo so bad huh


they gonna start a pod cast this off season called “Just 1 Point”


Lot of blame to go around, but specifically I don’t wanna see Plumlee on the floor ever again


I don’t get why Ty plays him, Theis was better all year


The only logical reasoning is he feels bad that Theis took his job only because Plumlee got injured. There’s not one thing Plumlee does better and a lot of things he does worse. It has to be the fucking “players coach” schtick he has going on that gave us Mook in the starting lineup all last season.


We are watching the end of an era. Thankfully.


At this point i don’t care if we don’t make the playoffs for the next yr or 2. As long as we have young potential players to develop im game. I just wanna enjoy games again




Yep. This playoffs was the final test for 213.

Dallas and OKC is a very favorable path to the WCF, and so if and when we fail, it’s clear we’re definitely done.

I’ll never complain about the trade to kickoff the 213 era because that’s a risk any team would take. But boy this sucks.


Kawhi is not right. He’s playing through some shit


they only go as far as Kawhi and PG's health. the way they played kawhi means he's not even close to 100%. how is this guy signing up for team USA?!


We were rolling until we brought Kawhi back and lost all chemistry...


Is Kawhi toast? He seemed legit roasted tonight


He looks really bad. He must be injured still, I don't know what he's doing out there.


We’re better off just resting him if this is the potential level we get with Kawhi. Coffey can at least play physical defense, dribble the ball, and maybe hit a 3. Kawhi’s shots are all short, he’s a shell of a defender, and he gets the entire team out of rhythm with him being so bad.

